Beal's Conjecture (Scots)
Beal's Conjecture is the generalisation of Fermat's Last Theorem along roughly
the following lines:
Whosaever can prove that: it isn't a conjecture or if not give one of an
obviously limited number of counterexamples, because if you could give infinite
counterexamples, it would be self-evident i.e. not conjecture.
:. Will get a cool 1,000,000.00 USD. A mil, for you Europeans.
Here goes:
O ye polynomials, ye represent regular polygons, multiplied like, by yonself,
upon a single fuckin sound point, in a fashion eh resembles a curcl.
How can ye say at such eh polinomial couldnae resemble eny other polygon,
sae lang as eh were bein rotated around eh single fixed point, irrespective of eir
reil oh imagened differenti ness fae each ather.
En other words eny given integer can be rotated around any infinite number of
rotational axes, and such eh the state ah the universe that
Oor wee integer, when given a single axes upon which to rotate, i.e, given a fixed
point on the imaginary geometric plane we use whenever we dae any kindae maths,
enEUCLIDeaingthe Fibonacci Sequins. Very flashy eese sequins, but designed accorden
wae (in)Humean predictian algorithms over time. Mare sae thae avoid eese silly bad algae rhythms.
Does wan thing. Begins tae resemble infiniteh wae a limit probably less than 1/infinity.
And such that oor wee universe is when we operate on the geometric plane alone, that we cannae
dae basic fuckin maths, unlike Fermat.
Personally I'd rather pay attention to what Sheku Ahmed Bayoh scribbled in a profit margin.
And it becomes the case that we forget that all these maths are conditional
upon relativity, and that Beal's Conjecture, henceforth Aileas' law:
Describes that any given integer resembles exactly another, or multiple others, upon the condition
of 2 squares.
Because 2 squares joined thegither havenae any need tae multiply upon their ain axes fae they already
pairfectly raesemble ae cuckold. Sorry a circle. And upon the origin of a circle, all integers are equal
to each other, and such that they are de/inscribed around the point of a circle, they are a countable infinity.
E.g. lad points are a countable infinity. I just got myself infinite lad points and I'm a tranny. Fuck. Wait.
Infinite butch points. Eh. Didn't work out for Ruth Davidson.
Fae thae abserbed universe thusfar other than virtual particulars, quantum mechanics, and the big bang, which are
impossible to measure and obtain mass equal to 0, be such that a centre ae mass autorotational will spin relative
to a single fixed pole, i.e. an origin.
I'll tack on the actual maths at some point if this isn't good enough for the AMS.